Student Led Conferences

Student Led Conferences
Thursday March 26
4:00 - 7:00 pm

Spring 2020 Student Led Conference Artifact Guidelines

AP Computer Science Principles

Artifact: Explore Performance Task (Artifact only)

Artifact Selection Criteria
Teachers should select artifact that align with one of the following senior portfolio categories.

Analysis- Breaking down concepts of phenomena into their parts and explaining the relationships
between those parts.
Argumentative- Advancing and supporting a position among completing positions.
Problem Solving- Proposing and supporting a solution to a community problem.

Reflections due March 20.
Reflection Outline
Reflections for the SLC artifacts will mimic the reflection format for
Senior Portfolio assignments, including the following two paragraphs
Paragraph 1- Students will introduce the artifact and write a paragraph
providing the following information.

- What task were students asked to complete?
Answer: Explore Performance Task

- What class was the artifact completed in?
Answer: AP Computer Science Principles

-What was the objective of the assignment?
Answer: To fulfill the college board requirement of The Explore Performance Task

-What criteria were provided?
Answer: College board descriptions for Explore PT requirements

- How does the artifact correspond to the selected category? (Why is the assignment an analysis,
argumentative, or problem solving?)
Answer: Analysis
Why? (Students will write their own response. Students should reference evidence from their
artifact to support their position).

What grade did you score on this artifact?
(See Schoology)

Paragraph 2-How did the assignment help students practice the SLO(s) of being
critical thinkers, effective communicators, willing collaborators, and /or active citizens?

For Answer, students will write their own response. Students should use evidence from
the artifacts to help explain how they practiced the Student Learning Outcomes.

Key Dates........
Tuesday, March 17 Students set up SLC folders in Advisory and teachers assign
SLC appointment times and distribute parent notifications.

Thursday, March 20 Deadline for Students' SLC Reflection for each class artifact

School-wide Grade:
Student Led Conference are key components of students' school-wide grade. students will
as well as artifacts and corresponding reflections for each of the course of their schedule.
These points will be computed when students complete the Student Led conference.

(1) The Portfolio:
Students will earn 20 points for organizing a portfolio that includes a goal sheet
as well as artifacts and corresponding reflections for each of the courses on
their schedule. these points will be computed when students complete the
Student Led Conference.

(2) The Conference - Students will earn 40 points for hosting a conference under the supervision of a school staff member.

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